


Som medlemmer i DSTH kan optages læger, farmaceuter, biokemikere, civilingeniører og andre med relevant uddannelse.

DSTH welcomes you to

58th Nordic Coagulation Meeting in Copenhagen

10-12 september 2025

Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to NordCoag 2025, which brings together experts and researchers in the fields of thrombosis and hemostasis.

We hope this conference will inspire new collaborations and strengthen our collective efforts in addressing the challenges posed by thrombosis and hemostasis to our healthcare systems and patients.

Erik Lerkevang Grove, Chairman of DSTH

Organizing committee

Scientific program

At NordCoag 2025 we will feature an exceptional program with in-depth presentations from world-leading experts in the field. The agenda covers cutting-edge research, clinical practices, and innovative therapies related to coagulation disorders. We look forward to exciting presentations, engaging discussions, and the opportunity to exchange ideas that may shape the future of research and clinical practice in this field.

Sponsors and exhibitors

Partners with Kongreskompagniet